Department Store Surveillance

Every day, thousands of visitors and customers visit department stores. Surveillance service for department stores is an essential element to protect stores from theft and damages. Besides the protection, surveillance gives the customers the feeling of safety and trust while visiting your stores.

Our trained and discreet team can support your company and will be a part of your department stores and company services. Our team will properly and professionally represent your company in all surveillance areas.

Our services include:

  • Qualified detectives
  • Representative doormen
  • Advanced security technologies
  • Qualified detectives for investigation of shoplifting and employee theft

Shoplifting in department stores happens daily. Depending on the type of the store, the incident could result in immense financial damage. Our trained team has the skills to sense a suspect. They are trained to all the known tricks that a shoplifter could use and are very knowledgeable about the latest scam methods. With a combined security plan of video surveillance and detection personnel, theft and loss will be minimized dramatically.

Employee theft happens less than customer theft, but the damage is usually higher in the case of employee theft and is often harder to solve. Such cases require advanced investigation work and usually involve a video surveillance analysis. Whether as a preventive precaution or for investigating an incident, we provide you with the right team to reduce your employee theft rate and minimize your damages.

Representative Doormen

A security representative prevents risky situations, especially if your store is open for extended hours. The security team prevents incidents and reduces crime by its presence in the store and reacts immediately in any dangerous situation. As a result, this not only protects your store but also raises the sense of safety for your visitors and customers.

All doormen representatives dress to match your company’s brand. They can also optionally perform regular patrols and inspect different areas, such as the store’s parking lot, toilet facilities, and other areas.

Advanced Security Technologies

Technologies and video surveillance enhance the effective monitoring in the department stores, as they help to cover the areas that a single security guard would oversee. We strongly advise you to implement these technologies. If your stores already have a video surveillance system, our security team will detect and handle any risky situation or shoplifting incidents and enforce your rules.

Whether in the main working hours or late at night, Masterschutz GmbH will serve your store’s needs and meet your company’s requirements.

Why Hire a Security Company?

Any business can be hit by theft, fire, or vandalism internally or from outside sources. Hiring a security company minimizes the damages, prevents risky situations, protects your premises, and makes customers feel more safe and secure when shopping or doing business in your building.

Contact us today for a non-obligatory consultation to discuss your business needs and requirements.